An Opportunity to
Yes, I would like to give to the Society of Saint Romanos the Melodist!
If you are an individual, a corporation, or a foundation, please help the Society fulfill its mission of bringing the riches of Orthodox culture–Its literature, history, music, architecture, and all associated art forms—to our American society. There are numerous ways in which you can give:
• By underwriting an event or a recording project;
• By donating to the general operating fund;
• Through appreciated securities;
• Through a matching gift;
• Through a planned gift in a will or trust bequest, assignment of beneficiary through life insurance,
retirement assets, or endowments;
• Through federal, state, and local government agencies;
• Through individual or family foundations; and
• Through corporate partnerships.
The Society of Saint Romanos the Melodist is a tax-exempt, not-for-profit corporation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. It is funded by ticket sales, grants, and individual donations. Your gift is tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. For tax-return purposes, our Employment Identification Number (EIN) is: 36-4453248. This website meets the highest Payment Card Industry standards.